Life is a learning process it never stops either it is a conscious effort or our nature teaches us through its own ways.We observe, think, debate and act ; whereas in some instances we tend to ignore facts that don't not matches our belief, systems and values.All of us in our lives try to get pure love and in our journey of life we get it from our family, friends, social circle and colleagues.But all of it comes in exchange of gestures and emotions or we owe it as we are bound to certain relation or ties. We win, lose ,learn and grow. As hoomans, we carve for relationships or people who can enlighten our paths in every walk of our life but inspite of being gifted with brain which can think n evaluate ,we have failed miserably to elevate our surroundings n relations.
There is only one being who gives you unconditional love and pampering without expecting anything in return. They are there with you to bring immense happiness and joy in ur life, yes you have guessed it right its your furry mate. I had never imagined that dogs can give you so many valuable lessons of life. Their happy loving nature tells us the way of living your life in the most happy state of your being.
I am penning down few of my valuable learnings and teachings from my furry mate:
Discipline: No matter what time you sleep or eat, dogs always follow their schedule. They love to stick to their routine and moreover they would make you follow it too. Our mornings starts with the cuddles of our pet and she barks and jumps on bed telling us in her ways to start a day with a morning walk.Routine & discipline are the basis of ones wellness as it brings respect and responsibility of time in your life. Time, weather, seasons is all beyond their understanding .Dogs teach us to do things which are required to be done! No Hindrances but just Focus.What matters the most is what you want to do.
Belongingness: They know what are their possession's and how to protect and secure them. Dare you take or steal it from them, they will come back for it with all their might. This quality of dogs teaches us how to be loyal and attached. Dogs teaches you value of each little things in your life . To love what u love and bring amazing dimensions of it in every sphere of your life.
Lovability: Dogs scores highest in this factor. No matter how you make them feel ,they will always love you back unconditionally .This is their Super Power. I wish we hoomans could have such true & pure feeling.Your Dog will never say I have done this for you so you need to do this to me in return. He will continue to shower endless licks and kisses because they just want to show their endless love to you
Positivity: Huge healing powers they have , they don't charge for it. They bring so much positivity and stress free environment in your life.They will exactly love you the same way they used to do in the past. Their love never fades or diminishes . What is the biggest reason for it ? They don't carry the loads n grudges from the past . Every day is a fresh morning and with each day bringing new cache in picture. How beautiful our life could be if we can implement this in our lives?
Socialisation :They love to mingle with their friends . They will smell , zoom in and take a circle around you to confirm if you really like them .Even if they will not like you they will just lick you or paw at your feet and willingly allow you to move on. Can we hoomans do this? We keep scrutinising and judging people . Let's learn to give a smile to people who you don't even like.
Negotiations:Love is all that matters and it is the most powerful tool to control and correct things in our relationships but we still look forward for the feelings and emotions that can make us sit on higher tables. Love is the skill which dog possess to get closer to anyone so why we hoomans who can communicate and decipher cant do the simplest of all the things?
Appreciation: Dogs know how to show appreciation and make someone feel special. They will cajole you and sit next right to you to show you gratitude.Never ever they will make you feel granted for what you have done, even small gestures from your part would receive immense cuddle and love. It teaches us the feeling of thankfulness n gratitude.It makes people feel better about themselves & strengthens your relationship.
Enjoy life to the fullest and feel the moment: Nobody can teach us the basic funda of life better than our dogs. They are not bothered by things that are not in their control.Adaptability is the one of their prime virtues that is missing in our lives. You leave your dog alone , they will accept. You give them new food , they will accept. We hoomans go through cycle of ups and downs in our journey. All of us have our means to overcome and heal ,but somewhere down in our hearts we remains like a parasite .Lets learn to be like your furry mates , press the reset button of our memory each and ever morning.
Greet People with enthusiasm: We all like sparkling energy around us and no doubt dogs know how to add that in your way of living . You will always see them making an initiative to connect and evolve. They will always approach you with sniffing voice and the barks with their paws thumping on you to shower love. In our daily busy life we have forgotten to carry this virtue in our lives.We don't want to do good but still we want to be appreciated .
Play Every Day: Dogs love to play and surround themselves with nature. You take them out for run jump or a walk they will always be ready. It is their way of keeping their body fit and fine. They teach us to be ever vigilant and full of energy for our own needs. We hoomans should realise the need of fitness and small breaks in our lives.
Loyal and Dependability: They will protect their pack against anything. Any kind of overindulges or loving behaviour wont be tolerated from other dogs .They will always make sure that love is genuine and pure. And one thing for sure you if you tell them to take charge of anything, they will surely follow orders.
Dogs are upfront: Dogs though don't communicate have amazing powers to convey what they want.They will paw, jump, bark, scream or hide to convey what they really want. And no doubt they are better at communicating their things than we humans can or intend to do. How life would be simpler n easier if we all hoomans can be like this.
Take Compliments: Dogs own their praise. They love and don't defend that feeling. You will always see a dog approaching you to get a pat on their back. What they deserve they ask for it.We hoomans feel that hiding our compliments and defending our position is more noble than acknowledging anything that is coming naturally to us.
Unconditional Love : They will wag their tail, jump in joy, hide in corner places and lick you all over.Their love is not based on your emotions or mood.They just know that they need to love .No matter where and what you are doing, they will come and stay with you.
So true, Dogs are best friends, they do understand all the non-verbal communications also. They have a very strong telepathy with owners. Very well written article.